Friday, April 25, 2008

Foundation Waterproofing Membrane

I want our basement to be waterproof. Most houses just have a tar sprayed onto the foundation, which is only damp-proof. That stuff is cheap, about $28 for a 5 gallon bucket. I am going to upgrade to the better stuff which is actually waterproof. Lots of companies make stuff, but only a few products will meet my criteria. Many of the products are spray on, and I don't have the equipment for that. I need something I can roll or brush on. Also I have to be able to get it locally for a reasonable price. That really cut down the possible product I can use, so I picked this:

Mar-Flex 5000R

They only had 7 buckets in stock, so I also got 1 bucket of this more expensive product:


I purchased this stuff here: AH Harris and Sons

After rolling that stuff on the foundation, I will say that the HLM-5000 seems to be a better product (Well it is more expensive too). After drying, the Mar-Flex 5000 left little pinholes of exposed concrete, didn't matter how think I rolled it on. 2 coats of that stuff is really necessary, which means double the work. The 5 gallon can of HLM-5000 was much heavier, the stuff was much thicker and harder to spread on the foundation, but I can't imagine why you would need a second coat of it. It seems like it will hold up better that the Mar-Flex.

You can research product like this here:

ICC Evaluation Service - Fluid Applied Waterproofing