Sunday, September 7, 2008

NYSEG rant - the scum of the earth

OK, I'd like you to please take a guess. If you call NYSEG and request new electric service, how long do you think that would take?

If you guessed six (6) months, you'd be seriously underestimating the time it actually takes. Plain and simple, they are assholes. They absolutely positively don't care at all if you ever build your house. Craig Lincoln is the guy I am dealing with. He is a total jerk. Days, weeks, months go by, he never returns your calls. I hope he dies. He has absolutely no ethics at all. What a scumbag.

I really want to complain to the Public Service Commision, but I'm deathly afraid that I will never get an electric hookup then.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere that hiring general contractor can help you deal with issues like this.(so the theory goes) I would love to hear from someone who has hired a general contractor and their experience.